Institutional history
Chancellors of the University of Valencia (UV)
Esteban Morcillo Sánchez (2010-2018)
Francisco Tomás Vert (2003-2010)
Valencian Ministers of Environment, Water, Infrastructures and Territory
Rebeca Mariola Torró Soler (consellera de Política Territorial, Obras Públicas y Movilidad, 2022-2023)
Arcadi España García (conseller de Política Territorial, Obras Públicas y Movilidad, 2019-2022)
María José Salvador Rubert (consellera de Vivienda, Obras Públicas y Vertebración del Territorio, 2015-2019)
Isabel Bonig Trigueros (consellera de Infraestructuras, Territorio y Medio Ambiente, 2011-2015)
Mario Flores Lanuza (conseller de Infraestructuras y Transporte, 2007-2011)
José Ramón García Antón (conseller de Infraestructuras y Transporte, 2003-2007)
Joint Committee
2019-2023: María Pérez Herrero, regional secretary; Roser Obrer Marco, head of the Department of Public Works, Transport and Mobility at the Valencian government; M. Dolores Real García, pro-vice-chancellor and head of Innovation and Transfer at UV; Luis Arciniega García, director of CDR
2018-2019: José Luis Ferrando Calatayud, regional secretary; Carlos Domingo Soler, head of the Department of Public Works, Transport and Mobility at the Valencian government; M. Dolores Real García, pro-vice-chancellor and head of Innovation and Transfer at UV; Luis Arciniega García, director of CDR
2015-2018: Josep Vicent Boira Maiques regional secretary of Department of Housing, Public Works and Territorial Planning at the Valencian government; Alberto Sanchis Cuesta, head of Department of Housing, Rehabilitation and Urban Regeneration at the Valencian government; Guillermo Palao Moreno, pro-vice-chancellor and head of Internationalisation and Cooperation at UV; Juan Luis Gandia Cabedo, pro-vice-chancellor and head of Finance and Infrastructures at UV
2015: Gaspar Peral Ribelles, deputy secretary of Infrastructures and Transport at the Valencian government; Pablo Cotino Mulet, head of Department of Transport and Logistics at the Valencian government; Guillermo Palao Moreno, pro-vice-chancellor and head of Internationalisation and Cooperation at UV; Juan Luis Gandia Cabedo, pro-vice-chancellor and head of Finance and Infrastructures at UV
2014: Gaspar Peral Ribelles, deputy secretary of Infrastructures and Transport at the Valencian government; Carlos Eleno Carretero, head of Department of Transport and Logistics at the Valencian government; Guillermo Palao Moreno, pro-vice-chancellor and head of Internationalisation and Cooperation at UV; Juan Luis Gandia Cabedo, pro-vice-chancellor and head of Finance and Infrastructures at UV
2011-2013: Gaspar Peral Ribelles, deputy secretary of Infrastructures and Transport at the Valencian government; Carlos Eleno Carretero, head of Department of Transport and Logistics at the Valencian government; Silvia Barona Vilar, pro-vice-chancellor and head of Communication and Institutional Relations at UV; Clara Martínez Fuentes, pro-vice-chancellor and head of Sustainability and Infrastructures at UV
2010-2011: Vicente Dómine Redondo, vice-president of FGV and Deputy secretary of Transport and Logistics at the Valencian government; Luisa Gracia Giménez, managing director of FGV; Silvia Barona Vilar, pro-vice-chancellor and head of Communication and Institutional Relations at UV; Clara Martínez Fuentes, pro-vice-chancellor and head of Sustainability and Infrastructures at UV
2005-2010: Vicente Dómine Redondo, vice-president of FGV and Deputy secretary of Transport and Logistics at the Valencian government; Luisa Gracia Giménez, managing director of FGV; Enrique Bigné Alcañiz, pro-vice-chancellor and head of Communication and Finance at UV; Rafael Gil Salinas, pro-vice-chancellor and head of Culture at UV
2003-2005: Vicente Dómine Redondo, vice-president of FGV and Deputy secretary of Transport and Logistics at the Valencian government; Jorge García Bernia, corporate director of FGV; Francisco Tortosa, pro-vice-chancellor and head of University Extension and Society Outreach at UV; Rafael Gil Salinas, pro-vice-chancellor and head of Culture at UV
Directors of the Cátedra Demetrio Ribes
D. Luis Arciniega García (for 2017)
Dña. Inmaculada Aguilar Civera (2003-2017)
Fellows, student interns and research and other staff who have participated in the centre’s various projects:
Laura Bolinches Martínez, Óscar Calvé Mascarell, Manuel Carreres Rodríguez, Manuel Cerdá García, Julia Cerrillo Martínez, Susana Climent Viguer, José Juan Coll Fornés, Sergi Doménech García, Virginia García Ortells, Mª Carmen Hernández Perelló, Desirée Juliana Colomer, Soraia Llorens Rodrigo, Sara Manzanares Rubio, Asunción Martínez López, Sonia Martínez Requena, Santiago Montoya Beleña, Rubén Pacheco Díaz, Mª del Mar Ruiz Ferragud, Rafael Salvador Ortega, Mireia Sánchez Barrachina, Juan José Sanz Maseres.