23. La política de obras públicas durante la II República a través de sus exposiciones

CLIMENT VIGUER, Susana, La política de obras públicas durante la II República a través de sus exposiciones. Un cambio de rumbo, València, Conselleria d'Habitatge, Obres Públiques i Vertebració del Territori, 2017.

ISBN: 978-84-482-6177-1

Issue number 23 of the Transport Museum’s Booklet Collection comes as part of the publications and events to celebrate the 80th anniversary of Valencia as the capital of the Second Spanish Republic.

As suggested by the title, the text presents the work done by the Republican government in terms of public works from an unexpected perspective: through the lens of national exhibitions. Inside, the publication is divided into two areas. The first and main section contextualises and examines the National Public Works Exhibition of 1937, held in Valencia’s Silk Exchange (Llotja de la Seda), while the second delves into what came before, through an analysis of various exhibitions during the Second Republic.

Finally, the author reflects upon the reforms made during the Second Republic period, as well as the significance of these infrastructures for the Civil War and subsequent years.


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