JULIANA COLOMER, Desirée, La muralla de Valencia hace 150 años, València, Conselleria d'Habitatge, Obres Públiques i Vertebració del Territori, 2016.
ISBN: 978-84-482-6097-2
Issue 22 of the Transport Museum’s Booklet Collection is dedicated to Valencia’s city walls. To mark 150 years since their demolition (on 20 February 2015), a decision was made to take a closer look at this construction, which undoubtedly conditioned the evolution of Valencia’s urban layout for centuries.
These pages analyse the demolition process, the various reform plans presented for years to get rid of the walls, who participated in the demolition, where the materials resulting from the work were used, and how the demolition was seen and recorded through social chronicles of the time. The intention behind all this is to review an important historical period that paved the way for the modern city and its urban expansion.
Finally, the publication offers a summary of the different sections of the wall and the space it contained from its creation, especially in the Moorish period, and of the activities carried out inside and outside the city’s walls.