Luces y faros del Mediterráneo

AGUILAR CIVERA, Inmaculada (coord.), Luces y faros del Mediterráneo. Paisaje, técnica, arte y sociedad. De Torrevieja a Vinaròs, Valencia, Conselleria d’Infraestructures, Territori i Medi Ambient, 2014.

ISBN: 978-84-482-5984-6

This publication, coordinated by Inmaculada Aguilar Civera and entitled Luces y faros del Mediterráneo. Paisaje, técnica, arte y sociedad. De Torrevieja a Vinaròs introduces the reader to various aspects of lighthouses and their development over history: their beginnings, in the shape of the legendary Lighthouse of Alexandria and the testimonies and remains of the Roman Tower of Hercules in A Coruña; the lighthouse construction process initiated by the Tabarca Lighthouse exactly 160 years ago; the innovative technology used by La Maquinista Valenciana in the twentieth century; their social context, the jobs they entailed and the isolated yet endearing figure of the lighthouse keeper; the endless legends and visual and literary images that saturate lighthouses with cultural and symbolic meaning; lighthouses’ relationships with new port infrastructures and adaptation to their development and scope of action; and their role in the Valencian cultural landscape as unique, strategic milestones linked to the land, the port space and the urban environment.



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