AGUILAR CIVERA, Inmaculada (dir.), Cien elementos del paisaje valenciano: las obras públicas, Valencia, Conselleria d'Obres Públiques, Urbanisme i Transports, 2005.
ISBN: 978-84-482-4070-7
This catalogue of 100 elements of the Valencian countryside aims to highlight the most significant works that depict humans in their natural environment over history. They are elements of the constructed land, of its architecture. The planning of any constructed landscape can be read through its transport routes (paths and roads, aqueducts, railway lines), its boundaries (defence and communication networks), its centres (cities, ports) and its signs (milestones, wayside crosses, towers, lighthouses, location markers).
To create this catalogue, we selected 100 elements that represent the various historical stages of our community. The aim is to raise awareness of, preserve and conserve a hugely rich heritage. Their functional, technical nature means that, in most cases, these elements have not been considered heritage sites and, other than a few items that are deemed heritage due to their age, have never been the subject of any study, registration or protective measures.