Paseando por vías y caminos

JIMÉNEZ ALCAÑIZ, César, Paseando por vías y caminos. Planes, infraestructuras y arquitectura. Russafa desde 1777, València, Conselleria d'Habitatge, Obres Públiques i Vertebració del Territori, 2016.

ISBN: 978-84-482-6101-6

The publication of the book Paseando por vías y caminos. Planes, infraestructuras y arquitectura. Russafa desde 1777, written by César Jiménez Alcañiz, is the result of the June 2015 resolution to award the eleventh edition of the Demetrio Ribes Prize for Research to the architect. The text reflects on the development and growth of Russafa as a population and a district of Valencia. It is the history of these two urban centres. A history of coexistence and interaction that is made even clearer when, in 1877, Russafa is annexed onto Valencia, making it one of the city’s most important outlying districts.

The author takes on this analysis through various lenses: urban planning, architecture, construction, transport and communications. City expansion plans are the theoretical framework used to define the conceptual changes that structured and organised the urban layout for a century and a half, as well as the influence of the creation of new transport systems such as railway. The book also contains a unique study of the architectural and structural characteristics of Russafa from the nineteenth century to the present day, the vestiges and testimonies of which constitute a rich legacy. As for the future of the district, the author presents a methodology to approach its rehabilitation, with improved environmental and residential quality, heritage and sustainability.


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