Corredor Mediterrani: realitat mil·lenària, demanda centenària. València, 1918

2018 corredor1918 cartel
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2021 corredor virtual
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This exhibition, ‘The Mediterranean Corridor: a millennia-old reality, a modern demand. Valencia, 1918’ in English, is part of the activities scheduled by the Valencian Ministry of Housing, Public Works and Territorial Planning to mark Mediterranean Corridor Week. It highlights the important role played by the Corridor from antiquity to the present day and commemorates the hundred years that have passed since Ignacio Villalonga Villalba and his newly created Unió Regionalista Valencianista party called for a railway line along this route in 1918, in line with his later calls for a common European market.

From antiquity, when the Via Augusta was the main thoroughfare, to the present day, the Mediterranean coast has been and is of the utmost importance in terms of movement of people and goods and cultural exchange. In the Middle Ages and early modern period, in accordance with the evolving political and social system, the Mediterranean network was broken up and a radial layout across the Iberian Peninsula formed. These characteristics were passed on to the railway network, which took shape in the mid-nineteenth century and was built and run by various companies, leading to further segmentation. However, the core of the exhibition focuses on the progressive vision of an emerging bourgeois class in Valencia, led by Villalonga and his peers in calls for a better-connected Mediterranean Corridor.

De dimarts a diumenge d'11 h a 21 h

Centre del Carme
6 al 26 novembre

Luis Arciniega García

Technical coordination
Rubén Pacheco Díaz

Research and texts
Luis Arciniega García
Laura Bolinches Martínez
Óscar Calvé Mascarell
Manuel Carreres Rodríguez
Susana Climent Viguer
Desirée Juliana Colomer
Rubén Pacheco Díaz

Expositive design


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