II Workshop Ingeniería y ciudad

2017 2workshop cartell


Led by
Luis Arciniega García
Sergi Doménech García

Desirée Juliana Colomer

Scientific committee
Inmaculada Aguilar Civera
Adrià Besó Ros
Carmen Monzonis
Alfredo Morales Martínez
Pedro Navascués
Magda Pinheiro
Massimiliano Savorra
Amadeo Serra Desfilis
Francisco Taberner Pastor

Organisation team
Laura Bolinches Martínez
Manuel Carreres Rodríguez
Susana Climent Viguer
Rubén Pacheco Díaz

2017 2workshop titol2

21 de noviembre de 2017

Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de València. Aula f.3.4.


8:30 - 9:00 Acreditación asistentes

9:00 Inauguración

9:30 Isaac Moreno Gallo. Ministerio de Fomento. Demarcación de Carreteras del Estado en Aragón
«Ingeniería hidráulica romana. El abastecimiento de las ciudades»

10:15 Javier Martí. Museu d'Història de València
«El abastecimiento hidráulico de València desde la Antigüedad a la Edad Media»

11:00 - 11:30 Descanso

11:30 Pilar Chías y Tomás Abad. Universidad de Alcalá de Henares
«Las estaciones de ferrocarril. ¿Lugares de encuentro o no lugares?»

12:15 Miguel Aguiló y Patricia Hernández Lamas. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid / Fundación Miguel Aguiló
«Las estaciones de ferrocarril y la estructura de Londres»

13:00 Mesa redonda de debate y cierre del Workshop



When studying the act of construction and providing cities with infrastructures for public use and for decoration, the focus is on the craftspeople—the personification of a centuries-old tradition of technical knowledge—and the aesthetic and symbolic values associated with these projects. This makes public works the result of the union between art and technical skill and a reflection of the time at which they were carried out, which underlines their historical and political importance. In recent years, the study of public works has fascinated art historians, historians, archaeologists, architects, engineers, etc. Aware of the need for dialogue between the various disciplines and experts on different periods, the Cátedra Demetrio Ribes is organising the ‘Workshop de estudios interdisciplinares en la historia de la obra pública’ [Interdisciplinary studies workshop on the history of public works], which, for this second edition, is entitled ‘Ingeniería y ciudad’ [Engineering and the city]. This scientific workshop will bring together national and international experts who, diachronically and diatopically, will examine aspects of themes like the foundation and construction of cities, civil engineering and provisions in towns and cities, fortified spaces, the relationship between cities and transport and communications infrastructures, and transformations and new relationships as a result of the new industrial order.

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