
IV Workshop Germanías e infraestructuras

IV Workshop de Estudios Interdisciplinares de la Obra Pública
Germanías (1519-1523) e infraestructuras: concomitancias
(semipresencial y online)


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29 de octubre de 2021

Facultad de Geografía e Historia (Universitat de València). Sala de Juntas


9:15 Bienvenida

9:30 Luis Arciniega García. Universitat de València
Vías de comunicación durante las Germanías

10:15 Vicent Terol. Arxiu Municipal d’Ontinyent
La Germania i les iniciatives urbanístiques públiques. Els exemples d’Ontinyent i Alacant

11:00 Pausa

11:30 Tomás Peris Albentosa
La guerra de les Germanies i les infraestructures hidràuliques

12:15 Magdalena Cerdà y Antònia Juan Vicens Mallorca. Universitat Illes Balears
El ejercicio de la profesión constructiva en el conflicto de las Germanías. Mallorca, 1521-1523

13:00 Mesa redonda y conclusiones

Información e inscripción 

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Construcción, destrucción, transformación, relevancia estratégica o valor simbólico de las infraestructuras en el conflicto de las Germanías de los reinos de Valencia y Mallorca, son algunos de los conceptos a considerar en este encuentro académico organizado por la Cátedra Demetrio Ribes que contará con la presencia de especialistas reputados. Tomás Peris Albentosa, Vicent Terol (Arxiu Municipal d’Ontinyent), Magdalena Cerdà (Universitat Illes Balears), Antònia Juan Vicens (Universitat Illes Balears) y Luis Arciniega (UVEG) abordarán temas como la relevancia de las vías de comunicación, el papel de las infraestructuras hidráulicas, la trascendencia emotiva de algunos elementos sólo conservados a través de la documentación o el ejercicio de la profesión constructiva en la mencionada coyuntura.

El IV Workshop de Estudios Interdisciplinares de la Obra Pública, “Germanías (1519-1523) e infraestructuras: concomitancias” tendrá lugar la mañana del viernes 29 de
octubre en la Sala de Juntas de la Facultad de Geografía e Historia de la Universitat de València, en formato híbrido (semipresencial y online).

III Workshop 'Arcos y conductos'

2019 IIIWorkshop cartel web


Led by
Luis Arciniega García

Laura Bolinches Martínez
Óscar Calvé Mascarell
Susana Climent Viguer

Scientific committee
Inmaculada Aguilar Civera
Jorge Hermosilla Pla
Javier Martí Oltra
José Miguel Noguera Celdrán
Dolores Romero Muñoz

Technical team
Laura Bolinches Martínez
Manuel Carreres Rodríguez
Susana Climent Viguer
Óscar Calvé Mascarell
Desirée Juliana Colomer
Rubén Pacheco Díaz

Sponsored by
Conselleria d'Habitatge, Obres Públiques i Vertebració del Territori

With collaboration from
Ajuntament de València. Museu de la Ciutat

2019 IIIWorkshop banner web

16-17 April 2019 

Museu de la Ciutat de València. Saló d’Actes


16 April

16:30 - 16:45 Registration

16:45 - 16:55 Introduction by:
Dña. María Barceló Chico (Director of Valencia City Myseum)
Dña. María Dolores Real García (Pro-vice-chancellor and head of Innovation and Transfer at the University of Valencia)
D. Luis Arciniega García (Director of the Cátedra Demetrio Ribes, University of Valencia)

17:00 - 19:25 Lectures
Preside la mesa D. Javier Martí Oltra. Director of the Museum of the History of Valencia

17:15 Dr. José Luis Jiménez Salvador. Department of Prehistory and Archaeology at the University of Valencia Chelva Museum. Juan José Ruiz López. Museo de Chelva
“El acueducto de Peña Cortada (la Serranía, Valencia): una muestra singular de la ingeniería romana en tierras valencianas”

18:00 D. Víctor M. Algarra Pardo. Archaeologist specialising in the archaeology of architecture and historical landscapes
“El acueducto de los Calicantos. Una capa del paisaje cultural del agua del Turia en el territorio de Gestalgar”

18:45 Dra. Tamara Peñalver Carrascosa. Department of Prehistory and Archaeology at the University of Valencia
“Sistemas de abastecimiento hidráulico en los espacios domésticos urbano-romanos del territorio valenciano”

19:30 Inauguration of the exhibition "Rius per l'aire. Aqüeductes de la Comunitat Valenciana" (Rivers in the air. Aqueducts of the Valencian Community)


17 April

17:00 - 18:35 Lectures
Preside la mesa el Dr. Jorge Hermosilla Pla. Pro-vice-chancellor and head of Territorial Protection and Participation, University of Valencia

17:20 Dr. Luis Arciniega García. Cátedra Demetrio Ribes, Universitat de València
“La memoria de los acueductos”

18:00 Dr. Pablo Camarasa Balaguer. Architect and doctor of History of Art
“Las arquitecturas del agua en Xàtiva y su huerta. Casos de arquerías”

18:45 Guided tour of the exhibition "Rius per l'aire. Aqüeductes de la Comunitat Valenciana" (Rivers in the air. Aqueducts of the Valencian Community)


Information and registration

Free admission and registration.
Anyone who would like to receive an attendance certificate must register.
The form, available on this page, is to be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



The cultural dimension of civil engineering works has been widely recognised ever since the ‘Las Obras Públicas. Una nueva dimensión del Patrimonio’ [Public works. A new dimension to heritage] conference in Madrid, 1986. In fact, today, we are working towards a National Public Works Plan, which illustrates their importance, specificity and great aesthetic, symbolic, historical, usage and scientific value. All kinds of public works bring together and constantly revolutionise art and technique to society’s benefit. For this reason, they are a faithful reflection of the era in which they are carried out and the socio-political interests they serve. Given the diverse viewpoints from which it can be studied, this subject has interested art historians, archaeologists, architects, engineers and geographers. To fulfil the need for dialogue between these different disciplines, in 2013, the Cátedra Demetrio Ribes created the Workshop de Estudios Interdisciplinares de la Obra Pública [Interdisciplinary studies workshop on public works]. The third edition, titled ‘Arcos y conductos. Aportaciones a la historia de la ingeniería hidráulica’ [Arches and conduits. Contributions to the history of hydraulic engineering], is being held in collaboration with Valencia City Council via the City Museum.

The culture of water is one of the keys to understanding the history of the Valencian Community, and especially its capital, described by some as the ‘city founded on the waters’. Furthermore, hydraulic engineering works can modify and shape landscapes greatly. Ancient Roman aqueducts, Renaissance dams, canals from the Enlightenment, water supply pipes, reservoirs and hydroelectric power stations are part of our land, part of our social and political history, and have modified our landscape. If all public works configure landscapes, configure places, this is all the more evident in the case of hydraulic works. One of the most outstanding elements of these works is the aqueduct: a structure of great technological value, built through expertise of various areas of science, and a legacy that has marked and organised the land, providing well-being and other benefits to society since Antiquity and supplying water for drinking, irrigation, baths, gardens, fountains, and much more.

Conserving, preserving and promoting this heritage is a task in which significant steps have been made, but incessant research work and awareness-raising among both the public and various public sectors are required if we want to carry out the activities needed to guarantee its survival and dissemination. For this reason, the series of lectures is accompanied by publications, visits to linear water infrastructures, especially their most outstanding architectural features, and ‘Rius per l’aire. Aqüeductes de la Comunitat Valenciana’ [Rivers in the air. Aqueducts of the Valencian Community]. This exhibition examines the importance of these elements from Antiquity to 1865, at which time water supply systems required significant improvements, due to cities’ transformation and growth through a new production model.


The Cátedra was created within the University of Valencia, meaning that the education and training of new researchers plays a significant part in the centre’s activities. Since it was created, courses, seminars and conferences have been organised both at the University of Valencia and at outside universities and institutions.

Workshops, conferences and seminars

The Cátedra has organised workshops, conferences and forums on various themes to exchange knowledge of the history of transport and public works. These have included two workshops in 2013 and 2017, entitled Workshop de estudios interdisciplinares en la historia de la obra pública [Interdisciplinary studies workshop on the history of public works] and dedicated to ‘Photography and public works’ (Fotografía y obra pública) and ‘Engineering and the city’ (Ingeniería y ciudad) respectively. Other highlights include the two conferences organised in Alicante and Valencia in 2014, entitled ‘30 años construyendo puentes. Técnica e innovación’ [30 years building bridges. Technique and innovation], and other, earlier events, such as the 2005 and 2006 conferences on science and technical museums and Alicante’s metropolitan transport.

  • IV Workshop «Germanías (1519-1523) e infraestructuras: concomitancias». 29 October 2021. València. School of Geography and History, UV.
      See conference
  • III Workshop «Arcos y conductos: aportaciones a la historia de la ingeniería hidráulica». 16 and 17 April 2019. València. Museu de la Ciutat de València.
      See conference
  • II Workshop «Ingeniería y ciudad». 21 November 2017. Valencia. School of Geography and History, UV.
      See conference
  • Conference Generalitat Valenciana: 30 años construyendo puentes. Técnica e innovación. 25 September (Valencia. ETSICCP-UPV) and 4 December 2014 (Alicante. UA).
      See conference
  • I Workshop «Fotografía y obra pública». 26 November 2013. Valencia. School of Geography and History, UV.
      See conference
  • Conference Historia del transporte urbano y metropolitano. De la diligencia al tram. 6 and 7 November 2006. Alicante. University of Alicante - MUA
      Download leaflet
  • Expert forum: Museos para la ciencia, la técnica, la industria y el transporte. 17 June 2005. Valencia. University of Valencia - La Nau Building
      Download leaflet
Series on Valencia’s Estación del Norte

To mark the station’s centenary and complement the exhibition on the same subject, the Cátedra worked with the Ateneo Mercantil de Valencia to organise a series of lectures on various aspects of the station and the figure of Demetrio Ribes, its architect

  • Estación del Norte: una joya modernista de la vertiente vienesa en València. Given by María Mestre Martí. 01 June 2017.
      See event
  • Estación de ferrocarriles de la Compañía de los Caminos de Hierro del Norte en València. Una lección de arquitectura. Given by Aurora Martínez Corral, 8 June 2017.
      See event
  • Demetrio Ribes, arquitectura e ingeniería: concepción, estilo, materiales y espacio. Given by Luis Arciniega García, 15 June 2017.
      See event
Series of conferences on public works heritage

These conferences, organised in partnership with the Colegio de Arquitectos de la Comunidad Valenciana, aimed to encourage attendees to discover and reflect on engineering heritage activities from various perspectives.

  • Jornada Patrimonio de la obra pública y criterios de restauración: Ingeniería del agua, Valencia, 30 July 2012, Colegio de Arquitectos de la Comunidad Valenciana.
      Download leaflet
  • Jornada Patrimonio de la obra pública y criterios de restauración: Grandes Estaciones del siglo XXI. Reinventando el centro de la ciudad, Valencia, 20 October 2009, Colegio de Arquitectos de la Comunidad Valenciana.
      Download leaflet
  • Jornada Patrimonio de la obra pública y criterios de restauración: Los puentes históricos, Valencia, 16 October 2007, Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos.
      Download leaflet

Master’s degrees and other courses

The Cátedra helps to train new researchers by regularly taking part in the Inter-University Master’s Degree in History of Art and Visual Culture (UV-UJI), coordinated by the University of Valencia, and in over 50 other Master’s and other courses organised by other national and international universities and institutions.

University extension courses. University of València

During the academic years 2003–2004 and 2010–2011, the Cátedra took part in and directed 13 university extension courses through the University of Valencia’s Office for University Extension and Society Outreach. Each ten-hour course was worth one credit and looked at the following themes:

• The architecture of the engineer Iron as a constructive system
• The industrial landscape in contemporary Valencian society
• The art of construction and public works in the Valencian Community. Antiquity and the Middle Ages
• Art in construction and public works in the Valencian Community. The early modern period

II Workshop Ingeniería y ciudad

2017 2workshop cartell


Led by
Luis Arciniega García
Sergi Doménech García

Desirée Juliana Colomer

Scientific committee
Inmaculada Aguilar Civera
Adrià Besó Ros
Carmen Monzonis
Alfredo Morales Martínez
Pedro Navascués
Magda Pinheiro
Massimiliano Savorra
Amadeo Serra Desfilis
Francisco Taberner Pastor

Organisation team
Laura Bolinches Martínez
Manuel Carreres Rodríguez
Susana Climent Viguer
Rubén Pacheco Díaz

2017 2workshop titol2

21 de noviembre de 2017

Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de València. Aula f.3.4.


8:30 - 9:00 Acreditación asistentes

9:00 Inauguración

9:30 Isaac Moreno Gallo. Ministerio de Fomento. Demarcación de Carreteras del Estado en Aragón
«Ingeniería hidráulica romana. El abastecimiento de las ciudades»

10:15 Javier Martí. Museu d'Història de València
«El abastecimiento hidráulico de València desde la Antigüedad a la Edad Media»

11:00 - 11:30 Descanso

11:30 Pilar Chías y Tomás Abad. Universidad de Alcalá de Henares
«Las estaciones de ferrocarril. ¿Lugares de encuentro o no lugares?»

12:15 Miguel Aguiló y Patricia Hernández Lamas. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid / Fundación Miguel Aguiló
«Las estaciones de ferrocarril y la estructura de Londres»

13:00 Mesa redonda de debate y cierre del Workshop



When studying the act of construction and providing cities with infrastructures for public use and for decoration, the focus is on the craftspeople—the personification of a centuries-old tradition of technical knowledge—and the aesthetic and symbolic values associated with these projects. This makes public works the result of the union between art and technical skill and a reflection of the time at which they were carried out, which underlines their historical and political importance. In recent years, the study of public works has fascinated art historians, historians, archaeologists, architects, engineers, etc. Aware of the need for dialogue between the various disciplines and experts on different periods, the Cátedra Demetrio Ribes is organising the ‘Workshop de estudios interdisciplinares en la historia de la obra pública’ [Interdisciplinary studies workshop on the history of public works], which, for this second edition, is entitled ‘Ingeniería y ciudad’ [Engineering and the city]. This scientific workshop will bring together national and international experts who, diachronically and diatopically, will examine aspects of themes like the foundation and construction of cities, civil engineering and provisions in towns and cities, fortified spaces, the relationship between cities and transport and communications infrastructures, and transformations and new relationships as a result of the new industrial order.

Information and registration

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